Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Yes Virginia, it does snow in Vegas.

A street scene a few miles from my house....
A picture of the desert covered in snow....

To the surprise of some it snowed here yesterday. Click here for the breaking news story.
I, on the other hand wasn't surprised. I knew that every so often it does snow in the desert. I was just hoping--praying even that it wouldn't be for a few more years. I really do feel bad for the mid-west and east coast vacationers who came here for fun and sun....
Better luck next year!

Since this is my blog and all about me, I want to know...
Can I have one, just one entire winter without snow??? Is that to much to ask from this Detroit transplant!
Good thing I had just finished knitting these.

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

All The Rage

Some friends of mine are going to see the new vampire flick Twilight this weekend. However I'm torn on whether to tag along. Because--now brace yourself.......I haven't read the book. I may be the only woman under the age of 35 who hasn't.

To my defense, I don't really like Vampire books or movies in fact. So I've never had any interest in reading the YA fiction. However, after seeing an interview with Stephenie Meyers, the author of the teenaged-blood thirsty-love story trilogy I did think twice about my vampire story apprehensions. Her story has a Cinderella-esque ring to it. You can read the interview here.

I don't know whether to love her or to hate her. I mean jeez, I know writers who have toiled for years and can't get an agent. She simply dreams up a story and wrote it down and VOILA! she's a NY Times best seller...? I know I know don't be a hater, Erika but the story, it's just almost to good to be true. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy for my fellow mother of three and full time writer for her immense success. I'm just showing my catty side I guess....

Nonetheless, my dilemma is whether I need to read the book(s) before I see the movie or vise versa. If I read the book first then I will undoubtedly expect more from the movie. Because in my opinion the movies rarely do the books justice. On the other hand, I can see the movie first and not have any great expectations and then read the book to fill in the blanks.

Which do you prefer?

Photo courtesy of CBS Sunday Morning