Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Seasons change....but why must the weather?

I hate change.

I'm the type of person who needs that constant "y" in her life. I don't change my style of dress much from year to year. Or my hair for that matter. I hate most of the new "it styles" anyway. Take for instance those stupid skinny jeans. A girl can barley get her feet in them and once you do, look down and your feet-- well they look huge. Leggings should have stayed in the 80's/early 90's. Next thing you know men will be walking around in those little bitty athletic shorts. You know the ones from the 80's that looked like a surprise may pop out at any moment. (Crinkle nose and shudder) Anywho....

You wouldn't think that change would be that big of a deal, seeing how many times I've moved in my short adult life. And you don't realize just how many times that is until you fill out an application for a job or mortgage that requires you list your last known address for the past 10 years. I always need to ask for an extra piece of paper to complete this task.

I use to be embarrassed by this lack of stability but hello... I was young and I had issues-- (roommate issues x 2, landlord issues x 2, boyfriend issues x infinity), so get over it.

In spite of my need for stability, the hubby and I are thinking very seriously of doing it again and soon. The husband, he is a nomad of sorts. Has never stayed in one place (read: state) for more then a few years. I have kept him in Michigan for 8 years! (a world record for him). So moving to him is like riding a bike. Sometimes I'm not sure if I was holding him back by keeping in the same state for so long or helping him create some since of home. You know, supplying him with the opportunity to plant some roots. That sounds much better. Roots or not sometimes you must take stock of what you have and where you want to be.

Alas, our time has come. So we look to the west, warmer climates that stay constant for the majority of the year. Sunshine on top of more sunshine on top of cloudless days. Oh and no snow damn it.

Sounds great to me!

So you wanna know what's so funny about this post? When I began writing it it had nothing to do with our impending trek to the west. Nope, I was just upset because my Caribou coffee is no longer selling cinnamon biscotti. Something I find to be a necessity to go along with my large soy chai latte. Humph. I hate change.