There are few things in this world that I can boast about. I don't feel like I need to put on airs or display my feathers for all to see. Either you like me or you don't. Either way.....
What I can boast about is my JOB. Yes, my J-O-B. I work hard everyday and I am damn good at it. Every single day I wake up and my job starts instantly. From the moment I crawl out of bed and stumble into the kitchen to 3 am when someone wakes from a bad dream or wet sheets. It's hard, it's thankless and and it's mine. I love it with all my heart and know that this is what I was meant for. None of this is new and most Moms, especially the ones who do it solely without a side job as an attorney or doctor know that we are well underestimated.
Children take you for granted, husbands take you for granted and other women who have never raised a child think you just have it soooo easy. I get it. And unless you've been on this side you will never know. What amazes me are the women who have raised children. Those who had to struggle to get through each day when the baby that had a temp of 101 but they had to go to work anyway. The woman who did it without the help of a husband or grandmother. The same kind of woman who just simply wanted a break after 3 hours of a screaming newborn.
How can you look me straight in the eye and say that I need to get a real job?
What is it about my life that looks easy to you?
What part of raising productive citizens who make wise choices and succeed beyond any of our expectations isn't work?
A person who has never raised three children--three girls can't put themselves in my shoes. A person who was barely there for their own can't even look me in the face.
Everyone can't be me, so don't hate.