Last week I decided to throw myself a It's-my-last-birthday-in-Michigan-but-hooray-I'm-not-turning-30-yet-going-away-party. (I looked for invitations in Hallmark but couldn't find that section.) I really just wanted a chance to see everyone one last time before I became a full fledged "Sin City" resident. The fact that it was my birthday was just kind of a coincidence. I chose Sweet Lorraine's downtown because of it's easy location and reasonable prices. Plus they had a wide variety of dishes to fit every one's eclectic tastes. Now I'm not going to make this a post where I rant and rave about what a suck ass restaurant it was but just for the record That PLACE SUCKED. The service sucked, the beer tap was out and the food was not all that. It has no place being listed under fine dining in the entertainment book. This just goes to show, always follow your first thought. We would have been filling our plates with pasta and spicy sausages at Bucca di beppo if the husband hadn't insisted I go elsewhere. Alright, I'm done now. This is supposed to be a happy post. Despite all the issues, I had a blast. I got a chance to see almost everyone before we hit the road. I forget sometimes that I don't some of you very often. I also learned just how many of you don't read this blog. Shame, shame, shame (shaking my head). It was quite obvious when someone thought we weren't moving until MAY! Hello? Shaneva, what rock have you been living under? It's bad enough some of you were unfamiliar with the knitting couture line. Maybe I need to send out a quarterly newsletter. My girl Tamika bought me a really good drink that I can't remember the name of..... peachy smeechy something or another. That's too bad that I can't remember the drink, seeing that it was one of the only good things about the restaurant. Thank you to Ms. Otay for the gift card to my favorite store, Kanette for the cash (of course we spent it on gas), Carol Ann for the sweater, and to everyone else who ordered a scarf from me! Anyway, I think I will let the pictures speak for themselves. If any of you have more pictures of that night please email me so I can post them here. Next year ladies Melissa suggested we go to Emeril's place here in the "V". So start making your plans now.
So where are these pictures you ask. Well I can't find the cord to connect the camera to the computer. So I will post them soon.......I think.
So I still havn't found the camera cord but I did find pictures of last years birthday soiree. Since the gust list is almost exactly the same I figured I would put those pictures up. Even though none of us including me were knocked up this year. Thank goodness.
So where are these pictures you ask. Well I can't find the cord to connect the camera to the computer. So I will post them soon.......I think.
So I still havn't found the camera cord but I did find pictures of last years birthday soiree. Since the gust list is almost exactly the same I figured I would put those pictures up. Even though none of us including me were knocked up this year. Thank goodness.
1 comment:
Hated that I missed coming to your last birthday supper in the "D" but really glad I didn't pay for the bad food and service.
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