Til' death do us part. In sickness and in health. Always and forever. To have and to hold from this day on....So many of us have said those words in some variation or another. Most of us meant them too.
But what happens when the shit actually hit's the fan? Do those vows really hold any value? What if your spouse cheats, then are all bets off? Do you forgive and forget? Can you? Is it really possible for a marraige to make it through a bout of infidelity? Most people's first reaction to the question what would you do if you caught your man/woman cheating is:
Oh, I would leave his/her behind if they ever..... Or, I would cut something very near and dear to them off.... Or, I would burn their stuff after I threw it out the window. All valid reactions really. I mean if someone breaks a promise to you that they made before God then you have the right to be heartbroken and have a moment of temporary insanity, right? Now, add to the fact that your man is in the public eye. A celebrity, Governor, Mayor or even the President. You not only have to deal with the pain and humiliation of being lied to and cheated on but now you have to stand there holding his hand looking all supportive while he apologizes to the whole world. Could you do it? Would you? All of these men made their wives look so dumb and foolish. Not because they "forgave" them but because they had to stand in front of friends and strangers looking like boo boo the fool. Putting all of their dirty laundry out for the world to talk about. Personally, I would have let them stand there by themselves. I know some maybe even all were forced to stand there for P.R. or political reasons. I don't believe any of them stood there because they wanted to. I don't believe any of these couples would still be together if they weren't in the spotlight. Well, the couple in the second picture James and Dina McGreevey are divorced but then again he also came out the closet. So why can't men-especially ones in the public eye keep it in their pants? (No, I don't think all men are cheaters but you don't see many press conferences with the shoe on the other foot do you?) You would think that they would be smarter about it and have more options then the average Joe. You know, pay someone to cover their tracks, get them a throw-a-way cell phone. (Yeah, I'm talking to you Kwame) I can't even fathom the conversations that these couples had behind closed doors. I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall. Except, I probably would have got hit with a flying vase or shoe. Some think it's to much to expect one person to be faithful to another forever. Like monogomy is a four letter word or something. Others believe cheating is the ultimate sin and can never be forgiven. I guess it's just a matter of wether or not there is any trust left in the relationship. Does the couple that stays together love each other more then the one that dosn't? To me it would depend on if the cheater learned a lesson or just got caught? I think that makes a big difference on if you stay or go. If you can't look at the person without seeing a big red "A" on there forehead then chances are your marriage is over.
Bill and Hillary look like they hate each other guts. She has a nasty attitude. And he is a bigot.
Perfect couple.
I can understand why each one of these women stood by their man because once upon a time I did the same stupid ass thing. I justified staying with my husband at the time because I learned about the affair a year after it was over and I thought we were in a really good place. Plus, no one in my family knew and I managed to keep it to myself until we were getting divorced years later. I always felt like all his friends and family knew and thought that I was a fool. I can't even imagine having the whole world know about it and think you foolish.
Looking back now I sometimes feel like I should have just killed him then and made it look like an accident. I would have probably come out even financially and had some extra years on my biological clock....it's too bad you can't sue for wasting time on my biological clock. I mean honestly if you can sue someone for potential wages earned why not potential children birthed. Okay, I've gotten off subject.
Oh yeah...I forgot to mention just like Kobe bought Vanessa a new ring I got one too shortly after the shit hit the fan. There must be a peace offering!!
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