I've been told I must have too much time on my hands to have time to keep a blog. I usually disagree but even I might change my mind after this one. Call me crazy but I just have to get this off my chest. I don't know if any of you have heard about or seen the commercial for "New chocolate skittles". That's right CHOCOLATE skittles. What the hell is a chocolate skittle? Umm... I don't know maybe a M&M with an "S" on it. Do we really need another small, round, chocolate candy? Was that all they could come up with as they sat around the brainstorming table? Are these people serious? Isn't their motto "Taste the rainbow". I ain't never seen brown in any rainbows around here. Since we're on the subject, those "Fruity Cheerios" bother me just as much. I get multi grain, apple cinnamon even frosted Cheerios's but fruity? That's just silly. I think a certain bird from the tropics has been the front man for a fruity, round, lifesaver shaped cereal for a very long time. If I were him I would tell them what they could follow...
Look, I know everyone is always looking for the next big thing but it seems as if someone in product development has really dropped the ball.
O.K. I'm done. I feel so much better now.
That's gross...what will they think of next...
I agree with you about all those food items. It's mainly so kid's will think it's something new so they can ask their parents to buy it. Not to mention a lack of creativity. It's like all the movies that they make remakes. Somethings just shouldn't be remade...the original was just fine.
The Skittles have some pretty bad reviews too. I'm not even going to try them.
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