Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Lightning cuts the wild sky....Who are we?

As a mother of three I have witnessed my share of name-calling, bickering and immaturity. As a newbie into the culture of the “stay at home mommy club” I was, to say the least surprised that most of the culprits have been other mothers. Raising children is hard, that pretty much goes without saying, however, my personal feeling is that we make it so much harder then it has to be. We judge each other on how we feed, interact, teach and discipline them. Should I breast feed or use a bottle? When is the best time to start solid foods? Should I vaccinate my children? Is your way better then mine? These are all questions that run tirelessly through a new mothers head. There is so much information out there via television, news reports and parenting magazines telling us how to raise healthy, happy kids that it can feel somewhat overwhelming.

So you ask your fellow mommy at the park what type of parenting plan there on. This is where it can get ugly with the name calling and snarky remarks. One mother will believe that spanking is a necessary part of the discipline process and another will call it child abuse. Mommy number two will tell you the only way to give your kids proper nutrition is to breast feed until they’re five. While someone in the background will whisper how gross that is. Is spanking okay? Can I give my kid a bottle of Enfamil and know that she will be as smart as the rest of her class? Those questions can only be answered by the mother if at all. However, judging other mothers because they parent differently then you is not showing your own children how to treat a friend.

Believing that there is only one way to raise a child to become a productive citizen is a mistake. Maybe your way is better for you and my way is better for me and my children.
Everyone wants the best but the best isn’t being shown when we argue in front of our kids over who is better. We go out of our way to show our children how to share and use their manners but then turn around and become flippant with a mom who doesn’t see things our way. Support from our fellow mom is, in my biased opinion, the only way to raise children. As a community, mothers need to unite and educate each other so that all our children, whether cloth diapered or not can be the best they can be.

Friday, August 15, 2008

My Eyes were watching him

The first 2 minutes of this clip is the hottest love scene ever. That kiss...oh..my..God....help me jesus. Damn.

I think it's the way he looks at her, he never takes his eyes off her lips tounge mouth. She can't even close her eyes because she is so in love with this man and the way he touchs her.

You don't see black love scenes like this often so when one is made it should be shown over and over. Feel free to keep playing it...I know I have.

How Do You Want To Be Kissed?

If this isn't one of the sexiest love scenes ever, then I don't know what is...

Friday, August 08, 2008

The World's Only As Big As What You Know...

I seem to be on a roll with my random thoughts so I figure I'll just continue on. Some of these things are subjects I wanted to blog whole, long-winded posts about but just haven't had the time. I may go back and revisit later if I feel the need. In the meantime...

  • In this state of reflection that I am currently in I have wondered how almost this entire year has gone by and I still feel like I have accomplished very little. I need to reassess my new years goals and get a serious fire lit under my ass.

  • My dear friend Erica got bit by a Cobra! She is fine but dang a COBRA.

  • Since I'm on the subject of Erica, I would like to point out that in all her pictures--and there must be hundreds from her nearly 2 year commitment to the Peace corps, I fail to see more then one black person. This of course is not including the villagers because yes, she is in Africa. However, in terms of volunteers I don't see any black American men or women there to Help, Educate, Learn from, Explore, Shape, Love or Give back to our "Motherland". What's up with that? Maybe they were all assigned to a different village or to China....nah, I don't think so.

  • My new favorite morning treat: Nonni's caramel latte biscotti....the best part of waking up, besides coffee.

  • Kwame, Kwame, Kwame, you have made a mockery of yourself, your children, your Mother and Detroit.

  • It's official. My family has become a 2 grocery cart family. I knew it was coming but jeez, it still amazes me.

  • Luke Skywalker from 2-Live-Crew.....you know--oh me so horny, me love you long time. Yeah that one, he has his own reality show on VH1 now. Apparently, he's playing a father knows best type while running an "Urban adult entertainment" business....I don't know either, I assume that's like umm ghetto porn? Who knows, but I bet you still got that song stuck in your head.

  • My new favorite reality show is 'Wipeout" on ABC. I'm not sure why but I think it's the extremely humorous banter between the commentators more then anything else. It's definitely NOT the butt cam.

  • I'm a huge 'Grey's Anatomy' fan, HUGE. I even bought a real set of the 1st season DVD's. Since everyone knows I only rent and burn, that's a big friggin' deal. Anyhoo, Kathrine Heigl's Emmy controversy is extremely irritating. I agree that last season was a bit bland but I blame that on the writers strike and Issah Washington's uncalled for departure. For her to say she doesn't want to be in the running for an Emmy because she wasn't given quality material is a crock of crap. She doesn't need an Emmy because she sucks. Her character sucks and her funny tooth sucks. Don't get me wrong, I don't think she's a bad actor--I liked "Knocked Up". But I almost didn't see it because of the snotty aire about her. I think that she's getting a little too big for her britches and needs to honor her contract and be grateful she has a job. We've seen it before, people get a few hit movies under there belt and demand to be let out of their contract and BAM! they fall flat on their face and can't get a job shakin' their ass let alone a major movie role. Heigl needs to realize she isn't Will Smith.

  • I need a million dollars.

  • I really, really want a fish pedicure.

  • I swear my kids grow over night. One minute they look like babies the next like little people.

  • Why do we constantly compare ourselves to other people? Always thinking we don't measure up...

  • I'm really wondering how I teach my girls how to avoid the "magicians" in life. I know they will get their heart broken and it's necessary, but some of these men....they got the game on lock.

  • Why is it so hard to get men to do things? Then, when you stop asking they want to know why you didn't ask them if they wanted to go...

  • The Olympics start tonight! I got 17 days to finish the sweater and throw for the Ravelympics!

  • "Nothing stands out so conspicuously, or so remains so firmly fixed in the memory, as something which you have blundered"--CICERO

Monday, August 04, 2008

Don't Quote Me

I've gotten bored with blogging, if you haven't noticed...I don't know what it is but my groove is way off. It isn't that I haven't had anything to say, I just haven't felt like saying it. I know I've needed a blogcation but I also know I can't be gone too long. I've been told that I'm on the clock....

So, I'm following the lead of others and posting some random ish today...

  • I love the Summer Olympics. It always reminds me of being that little girl again, dreaming of being a gymnast, swimmer, track star...

  • I'm so glad I moved to Vegas, change is so good for the soul

  • Miley Cyrus has nothing on these girls

  • Why do some people waste so much oxygen

  • I love that Angelina and Brad can raise 14 million for charity from a set of baby pictures

  • This type of YA makes me feel old and out of touch.

  • I am longing for a day when I can sit down and watch the complete first season of Mad Men...

  • I'm going to take the plunge, I've decided to get my first Brazilian wax...but someone will have to hold my hand, probably my legs too!

  • I spent yesterday afternoon browsing the craft stores so I can become the next black Martha Stewart. I swear if I had the means I would make so much stuff.

  • I think I'm going to home school my kids. But I will work twice as hard to make them look like they're not...

  • I hate it when doctors office's send out letters saying "Your results are in...it is imperative that you make an appointment at your earliest convenience." WTF just call me and tell me what's wrong with me.

  • Empty promises are just that.

  • You ever really want to know what someones voice sounds like?