This is absolutely my favorite time of year. I LOVE Thanksgiving. It has to be the best holiday hands down. Maybe because I love cooking so much and I do SO MUCH of it on Thanksgiving. Here's a rundown on my 2008 Thanksgiving menu:
New York Style Prime Rib Roast
Candied yams
Green Bean Casserole
Turnip & Mustard Greens
Mashed Potatoes??
Macaroni and Cheese
Dessert is the husbands department but I've put a bid in for sweet potato pie--my husbands sweet pie is the ish and zucchini bread...
This is the first year that I'm doing the roast so pray with me that I don't destroy a $90 piece of meat! I found some pretty good recipes at the grocery store and on allrecipes.com. Everything else is pretty much the same as every other year. Except for the mashed potatoes, I never make mashed potatoes on T-Day and it feels weird to even be thinking about it. Maybe because I don't know any black people who make them on Thanksgiving. I'm sure there are some, I just don't know them... However, since I'm making a roast it seems like mashed is called for don't you?
I don't know what it is about Thanksgiving that I love so much. I could say it's the crisp fall air and the beauty of the reds and golds that the leaves turn. Now, since I'm not in Michigan anymore and the weather is in the high 70's and there are very few trees to turn I know that's not it. Could it be the Thanksgiving day Lions football game? .....ummm no.
Maybe because it's a family holiday and you don't have to exchange presents. I hate the pressure and disappointment that those type of holidays can bring. Yup, I think that may just be it. That and all the food!
Wow, roast for Thanksgiving?! I never thought of that. I practically had to beg my mother to let me cook turkey wings and/or legs (haven't decided yet. Might do both since a lot of people will be there) since no one eats the breast. I mentioned to my mother about having mashed potatoes this year and she laughed in my face. Seriously, do black people just not eat mashed potatoes on Thanksgiving?
I think people like Thanksgiving so much because it's basically a holiday that tells you to eat until your heart's content. And no one will judge you for it. And the whole presents thing you mentioned. That's a biiiig part of it.
Like the new theme! :)
Yeah I thought the roast would be a nice twist and maybe even a new tradition for our family. I don't really even like turkey all that much. I just like making it.
See! I knew black people didn't do the mashed! I told a friend of mine this a few years back and she did a quick survey of the people who came over that day and our findings were the same... I hope I don't lose my NAACP card over this..lol
If your Mom lets you tackle the turkey just remember to brine it first and you will have perfect meat.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!
My did used to give us meat for Thanksgiving. We'd get the honey baked Turkey breast and my sister gets a standing rib roast. But it is always precooked from a restaurant or something. Good luck with that!
Hope all is well, hadn't been by in a while so I wanted to check in!
Peace Sis!
For those of you that don't know, Ms. Erika can hold it down in the kitchen!!! The roast came out pretty damn good and everything else was excellent! The sweet potato pie and zucchini bread was also quite nice. I liked the switch up from the traditional turkey or ham for Thanksgiving, it was refreshing. As far as mashed potatoes go, we had them on several Thanksgivings, I don't know whether it was a requirement or not but we had em.
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