You haven't eaten in what seems like forever, you're starved-no you're ravenous. Everything around you looks and smells like heaven. Your nose is filled with the scents of your favorite foods, sweet potato's covered in sugary-sticky juices, the smoky- mesquite flavor of ribeye steaks float in from the open window. The tart and slightly charred taste of vegetables fresh off a charcoal grill begin to make your mouth water. Cakes and fruit pies still warm from the oven, waiting to be cut into. Everything you ever wanted is sitting there waiting for you to devour. Where do you begin? Do you start off slow with a little taste of this and a spoon full of that? Or, do you pile your plate high and heavy, letting you're inner fat girl show?
Someone next to you begins to pour you a tall glass of sweet tea-"just say when..."
There's your dilemma, how do you know when to say when? When is to much of a good thing just too much? Do you wait until the taste isn't as sweet and the smell isn't heavenly anymore? Until the smell is a little bit rank. Or do you take it slow and hope that there is still some left when you decide to go back.
When you've waited, for what seems like an entire lifetime to do something and the opportunity sits before you--so many opportunities-maybe too many-what do you do? All the old sayings swirl through your brain.
"Don't look a gift horse in the mouth"
"Get it while the getting is good"
"You snooze you lose"
"Slow and steady wins the race"
"The straw that broke the camels back"
"When opportunity knocks...."
You don't want to say no. You need this chance because something else my not pan out. You want this chance because it's all you've ever wanted. However, by saying yes, yes, yes to all these opportunities you may end up selling yourself short. Overextending yourself to the point that it turns more into a job then a first love. Then, in turn, your talent suffers. It's not as good as everyone once thought. I mean, it's not bad--it's just not great!
On the other hand, if you don't push yourself, how will you know what you can do? Maybe you are capable of much more then you know. "Don't sell yourself short" they say. Just think how proud you would be of yourself, if you did it all, and did it well. How proud everyone would be.....
But if you failed......?....what would they say.....?....how would you feel....?...could you get back up...?..or would you be too tired....?....cause you ate too much fucking food.