So I have decided to put myself out there.
A really good friend of mine, who seems to have connections to anything and everything gave me a list of freelance job postings to look over. Now, this wasn't the first time she has given me an ad for a writing position. She is always urging me to just send something in...put myself out there....give it a try. I have been hesitant mainly because I don't have any writing credentials. Nothing on my resume says writer. Loan officer?Yes. Waitress? Yes. Flight attendant? Yes again, but writer? Nope. Other then this blog, everything I have ever written is hidden in a folder or a box somewhere. Well I finally took her advice. I sent in some of my writing samples and a blurb about how great I am. These particular jobs were all for freelance positions. Which is exactly what I have been looking for, given the fact that I am of course The domestic diva extraordinaire. Anyhoo, the great news is I got one!
It's a small website called http://www.shows.com/ . They were looking for someone to blog about the entertainment aspect of Las Vegas. You know-who's playing where, the best shows, the whats happening in sin city kind of thing. I posted my first blog last Thursday and had planned to make an announcement here last week, but you know those demons....... So I decided to wait and make sure they still wanted me after I wrote it. Apparently they do. So there you have it I'm finally getting paid to blog. Who would have thunk it? A special thank you to Kanette, for giving me that gentle push that I so desperately need.
My articles should appear every Monday and Thursday under the blog section. So even if your not planing a trip to Vegas anytime soon, stop by and take a look to see what's going on.
Hint-Hint-I get paid for page views.
The pay is very, very, very modest but it's something, and I for one ain't complaining. I mean, I do this blog for free right?
This was the best blog ever ;-) and I'm not just saying that because you're talking about me!
I'm glad that you've opened the door and chose to walk thru. A guy I interviewed a few years ago opened a Christian coffee shop. He didn't know anything about the busy when he started...had now experience or background in the retail/food service arena but he believed he was destined to serve people with that type of ministry.
He told me that God doesn't call the qualified...he qualifies the called.
Now since this is a paid gig and you've acknowledged me as your official literary agent...WHERE'S MY 10% FROM THIS PAID GIG!
I don't think I can send change thru the mail!
But here is a BIG HUG!
What the Blog!
Check out this article...bloggers beware!
What a way to put a damper on my blogging parade.....
I have to say I don't think I will ever be quite that obsessed with blogging. Maybe they should have learned how to walk the treadmill while blogging.
Congratulations!!! That is good stuff Gurl!! This is just the beginning! ;o)
AHHH! Congrats! I'll check it out all the time for sure!
Congrats Ms.Erika I'm so happy for you! Isn't Kanette the greatest friend ever!
I think that is a great idea, and congrats on getting the writing job. I agree with you about the blogging for free. I was about to go with The Essence Network and have their widgets placed on my blog for money, until I saw how big the widgets actually were. lol.
I think you will do good and be sure to remind everyone the day your articles appear.
Good deal.
Yeah, I'm on the fence with advertisments on personal blogs....they look somewhat tacky.
I am so glad you took that chance even though you don't remember saying this when we were younger you said you wanted to be a Journalist and you wanted to beat the record of that lady who went around the world in 80 days writing stories. At least it was something like that I have to look it up but anyhow you are a geat writer people need to learn how to utilize thier talents and stop letting them go to waste.
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