Happy Friday!
You would think since I don't punch a clock or have regular nine to five, that Friday's wouldn't matter to me. Sometimes, they don't. Today for some reason it does. I can't put my finger on it but all I know is it's been a long week. I didn't do much blogging here this week but I plan to play catch up this weekend. I have had some great idea's for a few posts but since my wireless is having some sort of malfunc, I have to sit in one spot to work. That, I tell you, is a lot harder then it sounds for someone who is used to 'on location' writing. So for all my fellow bloggers or writers out there, my question to you is: Where do you blog/write?
On the potty, at the kitchen table, how about in bed or you a fancy blogger who uses their PDA to write your elegant prose?
You can even post anonymously, if you don't want your boss to know that you spend more time on blogger or wordpad then you do the company website.
Can't wait to read your answers!
BTW: Don't forget to stop by my shows.com blog and check out my interview with Frank Merino (see picture above), the headliner for Las Vegas' comedy show "La Cage".
There is a link in my sidebar under "Other spots you can find me".
I usually blog at work or at home in the wee hours of the morning.
I blog from a cubicle @ work. From an IPhone nevertheless. I've tried to blog from the home computer in the evenings but I lose interest because there are other things I have and want and need to do.
On weekends I enjoy skimming blog post and new bloggers while watching the basketball game. Other than that I may lay in bed or over someone else crib or something and run across an interesting blog read from earlier in the day via the phone.
As for writing blog post I am still a member of the Pad & Pen clique. I type it in my phone, load it up, and publish to my blog whenever.
And you?
I blog at the office, around three times a week.
I used to blog all over the house. That is, until the wireless thing-of-a-bob went haywire.
Now I'm stuck in this one area, not sure what it's called but I think the original use may have been a "dry bar"? Who knows.
I prefer to do it on the kitchen table.
I haven't blogged much lately but its usually at work...shhhhh! And I have to admit that I enjoy reading magazines in my bathroom at home. It's the best seat in the house.
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