Attraction is a powerful thing.
That moment when you see someone for the first time and you know that your hand has to touch theirs, that your mouth has to know what his tastes like. It's a feeling so strong you think someone or something is physically pushing you toward that person. Then...the butterflies come, the shiver up your spine from their touch, the childlike giddiness you get every time someone says their name. Infatuation, lust, ecstasy-an emotional roller coaster of a drug like induced high. You'd do almost anything to hold on to these precious moments because everyone knows it won't be this way forever....
So when does an infatuated-attraction become LOVE?
Is there a such thing as LOVE at first sight?
When your heart is full and you step out on faith so to speak will LOVE be on your side?
Some couples take their time and get to know one another. They may first live together, then get engaged, then wait another year and a half to plan their wedding. Finally, they walk down the isle and jump the broom only to divorce a year later.
On the other hand, you have couples who meet, fall head over heels and get married a month later. They get divorced 15 months later.
Exceptions to the rule of course-both couples live happily ever after.
So what's the secret, why do some couples make it and others can't? All seem to start out with the same feelings of euphoria, yet, more then half don't make it.
Relationships are hard work. Marriage is twice as hard. You need to compromise on things you never thought you would have to compromise on. You have to honestly care about how someone else feels--about you cutting your hair, going on a trip or quitting your job. You are no longer an island but more like a peninsula. Attached to another human-feeding off their hopes, dreams, desires and needs while they feed off yours. You, have to be willing to do the work. Both must put 100% of themselves into the marriage and when one can only give 80% then the other has to put in that extra 20%. It takes strength, kindness, a whole lot of patients and of course LOVE.
But at the end of the day...it's so worth it.
Gurl that last paragraph kept it all real!
enjoyed the read.
i was brought home with your last sentence. @ the end of the day it's definitely work it. i listened to the video as i read your words. the more and more i hear the song lyrics, the more and more i realize that "love" and "being in love" are feelings dictated by how one person believes in the other.
the more people believe (re: feelings) in one another, sets the tone and length of the relationship i think.
Of course, I don't think I would have accomplished half as much as I have without the love and support of him.
In my opinion, The only way to have a stable and loving relationship is to have faith in your partner. If your partner thinks your "the shit" then you will think better of your self. Also, in turn, for having that belief in you--you will think they are "the shit".
Does that make sense?
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