My husband texts me a message the other day.
"I had no idea I married such a sexist".
This of course didn't just come out of the blue. It stemmed from a small meltdown that I had moments earlier.
Since we moved here I have had to hook up the digital cable, the Internet, the new printer, program the universal remote and a bunch other stuff that I can't remember right now.
Normally these are all tasks that my husband would have taken care of but because of his absence I had to. So I bitched about it. I just don't have the patience and the universal remote was the proverbial straw. I was about ready to make him get on a plane and come fix it himself. That doesn't make me sexiest does it? More like a realist. I've never really considered myself a feminist. I'm certainly no bra burner. Some of what I think is wrong with this country stems from that whole feminist movement. That's a whole other topic and I'll save that for another time.
It's not that I don't know how to do these things because I do and what I don't know I can look up on the Internet. Which is what I did for the stupid remote.
But I'z married now! I say, I'z married now.
Look, I know it's not PC to say this but I know my place. And it's not out in the garage or tinkering with surround sound. Those are things that we do because we don't have someone else to do them for us. The cable company charges extra to come out and hook everything up and I'm to frugal to pay someone for something I know how to do, although I may not like it. I try to set a good example for my 3 girls and I want them to be strong independent women, as I'm sure they will be. They will know, like their mother does, how to change a tire. How to check the oil in their car, how to hook up their printer and wireless Internet. Just as well as they will know how to cook meatloaf, turnip greens and cornbread. I believe in self sufficiency but I also hope that if and when they get married they find a husband that can take care of that "man" stuff for them. I know some won't agree, that's fine, but I know their are a whole lot of women who won't say it but they sure do believe it.
I mean, I agreed to have the babies right?