Tuesday, December 09, 2008

All The Rage

Some friends of mine are going to see the new vampire flick Twilight this weekend. However I'm torn on whether to tag along. Because--now brace yourself.......I haven't read the book. I may be the only woman under the age of 35 who hasn't.

To my defense, I don't really like Vampire books or movies in fact. So I've never had any interest in reading the YA fiction. However, after seeing an interview with Stephenie Meyers, the author of the teenaged-blood thirsty-love story trilogy I did think twice about my vampire story apprehensions. Her story has a Cinderella-esque ring to it. You can read the interview here.

I don't know whether to love her or to hate her. I mean jeez, I know writers who have toiled for years and can't get an agent. She simply dreams up a story and wrote it down and VOILA! she's a NY Times best seller...? I know I know don't be a hater, Erika but the story, it's just almost to good to be true. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy for my fellow mother of three and full time writer for her immense success. I'm just showing my catty side I guess....

Nonetheless, my dilemma is whether I need to read the book(s) before I see the movie or vise versa. If I read the book first then I will undoubtedly expect more from the movie. Because in my opinion the movies rarely do the books justice. On the other hand, I can see the movie first and not have any great expectations and then read the book to fill in the blanks.

Which do you prefer?

Photo courtesy of CBS Sunday Morning


SA said...

I have not read the books. I have not seen the movie. And I don't intend to do either. If I want to read vampire fiction I'm pretty sure Twilight isn't where I'm going to start.

However, if the books get more teens and tweens and kids into reading and that leads to them loving literature then more power to the author.

Habbala said...

Ok, so I am an avid reader. And I had the same dilemma you're having. My friend wanted to go see it, I hadn't read the books and I honestly didn't plan to read the books. I wasn't interested.

So I went and saw it. And then loved it. And then bought and read the entire series in 5 days. Now, it was no Pride and Prejudice or something else of substance, but they were definitely addicting.

Anyhow, my advice is to never ever read a book this close to seeing the movie. The details are to crisp and it tends to take away from the movie cause you can't help but pick out all the discrepancies.

Anonymous said...

You have to come Erika! I haven't read the books either nor am I interested in vampires. I'm going for the time away from the kids and some much needed girl time. Hopefully see ya there!

::Sylvia:: said...

Well, you're not the only woman under 35 that hasn't read it! I haven't either and for many of the same reasons, I'm just not into the whole blood sucking thing.

Let me know if you give in!! ;)

Anonymous said...

I haven't read the book or seen the movie but I might...who knows. I am an avid reader and I love vampire stories but they have to be done with class and taste and I'm not convinced that this story has either. I am a grown ass man so I don't get caught up in the teen hype but I may give it a chance. If you end up seeing it let me know what you thought.