Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Yes Virginia, it does snow in Vegas.

A street scene a few miles from my house....
A picture of the desert covered in snow....

To the surprise of some it snowed here yesterday. Click here for the breaking news story.
I, on the other hand wasn't surprised. I knew that every so often it does snow in the desert. I was just hoping--praying even that it wouldn't be for a few more years. I really do feel bad for the mid-west and east coast vacationers who came here for fun and sun....
Better luck next year!

Since this is my blog and all about me, I want to know...
Can I have one, just one entire winter without snow??? Is that to much to ask from this Detroit transplant!
Good thing I had just finished knitting these.

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

All The Rage

Some friends of mine are going to see the new vampire flick Twilight this weekend. However I'm torn on whether to tag along. Because--now brace yourself.......I haven't read the book. I may be the only woman under the age of 35 who hasn't.

To my defense, I don't really like Vampire books or movies in fact. So I've never had any interest in reading the YA fiction. However, after seeing an interview with Stephenie Meyers, the author of the teenaged-blood thirsty-love story trilogy I did think twice about my vampire story apprehensions. Her story has a Cinderella-esque ring to it. You can read the interview here.

I don't know whether to love her or to hate her. I mean jeez, I know writers who have toiled for years and can't get an agent. She simply dreams up a story and wrote it down and VOILA! she's a NY Times best seller...? I know I know don't be a hater, Erika but the story, it's just almost to good to be true. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy for my fellow mother of three and full time writer for her immense success. I'm just showing my catty side I guess....

Nonetheless, my dilemma is whether I need to read the book(s) before I see the movie or vise versa. If I read the book first then I will undoubtedly expect more from the movie. Because in my opinion the movies rarely do the books justice. On the other hand, I can see the movie first and not have any great expectations and then read the book to fill in the blanks.

Which do you prefer?

Photo courtesy of CBS Sunday Morning

Thursday, November 20, 2008

My Favorite Time of Year...

This is absolutely my favorite time of year. I LOVE Thanksgiving. It has to be the best holiday hands down. Maybe because I love cooking so much and I do SO MUCH of it on Thanksgiving. Here's a rundown on my 2008 Thanksgiving menu:

New York Style Prime Rib Roast


Candied yams

Green Bean Casserole

Turnip & Mustard Greens

Mashed Potatoes??

Macaroni and Cheese

Dessert is the husbands department but I've put a bid in for sweet potato pie--my husbands sweet pie is the ish and zucchini bread...

This is the first year that I'm doing the roast so pray with me that I don't destroy a $90 piece of meat! I found some pretty good recipes at the grocery store and on Everything else is pretty much the same as every other year. Except for the mashed potatoes, I never make mashed potatoes on T-Day and it feels weird to even be thinking about it. Maybe because I don't know any black people who make them on Thanksgiving. I'm sure there are some, I just don't know them... However, since I'm making a roast it seems like mashed is called for don't you?

I don't know what it is about Thanksgiving that I love so much. I could say it's the crisp fall air and the beauty of the reds and golds that the leaves turn. Now, since I'm not in Michigan anymore and the weather is in the high 70's and there are very few trees to turn I know that's not it. Could it be the Thanksgiving day Lions football game? .....ummm no.

Maybe because it's a family holiday and you don't have to exchange presents. I hate the pressure and disappointment that those type of holidays can bring. Yup, I think that may just be it. That and all the food!
Photo courtesy of I hope mine turns out as well!

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

A New Day Has Come

So much to say.

So much hope and joy in my heart.

At this very moment I am proud to be an American.

I knew he was what we needed

I knew his audacity to hope was a wonder to us all.

I knew he had the determination, energy, strength, understanding and perseverance to do the job.

I wasn't sure it would happen....our dreams would come to fruition.

That America would have not only the audacity to hope but the courage to stand up and do it.



Congratulations America--to us all, for making the right decision, a decision that will benefit us all.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

GO VOTE TODAY!!!!!!!!!

I had the chance to vote early but a lot of you haven't so I expect you to be out there today. No matter how long the line is or how cold or windy it may be. Do not drop the ball this time, we can't afford to lose, again....

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

While You Are Out Here in Blogland...

Check out my review of the movie Fireproof here.

I have loads to talk about but not the good sense to write my ideas down and actually blog them. In my defense, I do have a good excuse....I just can't tell you about it :)

Monday, September 29, 2008

The Art of losing myself

I have talent. I can do things others can't. No I can't stand on my head or recite all the state capitals in alphabetical order--I can't do it in any order to be honest.

My talent is magnificent in itself and even though no one in their right mind would probably want it I would be happy to give it away.

Have you seen me?

Name-Erika Washington aka- Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!





Hair-Loreal #234 or 267

An extremely sexy writer with goals and ambitions to write novels and articles for major magazines and newspapers wearing really cute heels.

Last seen: Roaming Albertson's grocery store with food stuck to her dress, a migraine, a crying baby on one hip, a pouty 9 year old behind and a sassy 5 year old stuck on the other leg; unable to string a compound complex sentence together.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

My thoughts...

  • Grey's Anatomy and Brothers and Sisters both start this week, that makes me so happy!

  • I apologize to my loyal 5 readers, I've been quite bitter these last few posts. Sorry.

  • Warning, it my not be over just yet.

  • My little fortune cookie from P.F. Chang's might have been right.

  • Why isn't out of business yet?The forecast says it's only going to be 91 next week, Fall must be

  • Tuesday I had the most expensive burger I've ever eaten and it was worth it.

  • My hand is itching.....

  • Oktoberfest. Yum....

  • I need a new phone. Tape is just not a good look.

  • Thank you for being a friend.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Is It My Place?

There are few things in this world that I can boast about. I don't feel like I need to put on airs or display my feathers for all to see. Either you like me or you don't. Either way.....

What I can boast about is my JOB. Yes, my J-O-B. I work hard everyday and I am damn good at it. Every single day I wake up and my job starts instantly. From the moment I crawl out of bed and stumble into the kitchen to 3 am when someone wakes from a bad dream or wet sheets. It's hard, it's thankless and and it's mine. I love it with all my heart and know that this is what I was meant for. None of this is new and most Moms, especially the ones who do it solely without a side job as an attorney or doctor know that we are well underestimated.

Children take you for granted, husbands take you for granted and other women who have never raised a child think you just have it soooo easy. I get it. And unless you've been on this side you will never know. What amazes me are the women who have raised children. Those who had to struggle to get through each day when the baby that had a temp of 101 but they had to go to work anyway. The woman who did it without the help of a husband or grandmother. The same kind of woman who just simply wanted a break after 3 hours of a screaming newborn.

How can you look me straight in the eye and say that I need to get a real job?

What is it about my life that looks easy to you?

What part of raising productive citizens who make wise choices and succeed beyond any of our expectations isn't work?

A person who has never raised three children--three girls can't put themselves in my shoes. A person who was barely there for their own can't even look me in the face.

Everyone can't be me, so don't hate.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Who's Sleeping In Your Bed?

A marriage consists of two people. That's it. Unless your a member of the LDS church....

In a wedding ceremony two people vow to stay as one or so they say.

Those two people make love, make babies, make bills, make hate and make sacrifices for each other.

No one else should be involved. Especially not a parent. Certainly not a parent who has admitted that they were a shitty parent. If you had 18 years and 9 months to get it together but failed so many times on so many different levels. What on God's green earth gives you the right to run your mouth on someone who has put their children first since day one? None, absolutely none.

When you're on the outside looking in you only see a blurred vision of what is actually there. Only when you've opened the door, stepped inside and observed the entire house can you make careful observations.

The door is locked and you have not been invited in.

***pulls the curtain closed***

Thursday, September 11, 2008


Today, my oldest turns 9.

Wow. I still can't believe it.

They weren't playing when they said Time Flies.....

The Girl Who Didn't Cry Uncle...

I think I've gone and bumped my head.

Most know, I am one of those people who bites off way more then can fit inside their mouths. Yet I still do it. Why? Good question, to bad I can't answer it. Maybe I have a fear of boredom.

Erica, I listened to your wisdom and has since dropped one of the classes....

But have replaced it with 3 new ideas for me to tackle.

I guess I'll never learn.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Lightning cuts the wild sky....Who are we?

As a mother of three I have witnessed my share of name-calling, bickering and immaturity. As a newbie into the culture of the “stay at home mommy club” I was, to say the least surprised that most of the culprits have been other mothers. Raising children is hard, that pretty much goes without saying, however, my personal feeling is that we make it so much harder then it has to be. We judge each other on how we feed, interact, teach and discipline them. Should I breast feed or use a bottle? When is the best time to start solid foods? Should I vaccinate my children? Is your way better then mine? These are all questions that run tirelessly through a new mothers head. There is so much information out there via television, news reports and parenting magazines telling us how to raise healthy, happy kids that it can feel somewhat overwhelming.

So you ask your fellow mommy at the park what type of parenting plan there on. This is where it can get ugly with the name calling and snarky remarks. One mother will believe that spanking is a necessary part of the discipline process and another will call it child abuse. Mommy number two will tell you the only way to give your kids proper nutrition is to breast feed until they’re five. While someone in the background will whisper how gross that is. Is spanking okay? Can I give my kid a bottle of Enfamil and know that she will be as smart as the rest of her class? Those questions can only be answered by the mother if at all. However, judging other mothers because they parent differently then you is not showing your own children how to treat a friend.

Believing that there is only one way to raise a child to become a productive citizen is a mistake. Maybe your way is better for you and my way is better for me and my children.
Everyone wants the best but the best isn’t being shown when we argue in front of our kids over who is better. We go out of our way to show our children how to share and use their manners but then turn around and become flippant with a mom who doesn’t see things our way. Support from our fellow mom is, in my biased opinion, the only way to raise children. As a community, mothers need to unite and educate each other so that all our children, whether cloth diapered or not can be the best they can be.

Friday, August 15, 2008

My Eyes were watching him

The first 2 minutes of this clip is the hottest love scene ever. That me jesus. Damn.

I think it's the way he looks at her, he never takes his eyes off her lips tounge mouth. She can't even close her eyes because she is so in love with this man and the way he touchs her.

You don't see black love scenes like this often so when one is made it should be shown over and over. Feel free to keep playing it...I know I have.

How Do You Want To Be Kissed?

If this isn't one of the sexiest love scenes ever, then I don't know what is...

Friday, August 08, 2008

The World's Only As Big As What You Know...

I seem to be on a roll with my random thoughts so I figure I'll just continue on. Some of these things are subjects I wanted to blog whole, long-winded posts about but just haven't had the time. I may go back and revisit later if I feel the need. In the meantime...

  • In this state of reflection that I am currently in I have wondered how almost this entire year has gone by and I still feel like I have accomplished very little. I need to reassess my new years goals and get a serious fire lit under my ass.

  • My dear friend Erica got bit by a Cobra! She is fine but dang a COBRA.

  • Since I'm on the subject of Erica, I would like to point out that in all her pictures--and there must be hundreds from her nearly 2 year commitment to the Peace corps, I fail to see more then one black person. This of course is not including the villagers because yes, she is in Africa. However, in terms of volunteers I don't see any black American men or women there to Help, Educate, Learn from, Explore, Shape, Love or Give back to our "Motherland". What's up with that? Maybe they were all assigned to a different village or to China....nah, I don't think so.

  • My new favorite morning treat: Nonni's caramel latte biscotti....the best part of waking up, besides coffee.

  • Kwame, Kwame, Kwame, you have made a mockery of yourself, your children, your Mother and Detroit.

  • It's official. My family has become a 2 grocery cart family. I knew it was coming but jeez, it still amazes me.

  • Luke Skywalker from know--oh me so horny, me love you long time. Yeah that one, he has his own reality show on VH1 now. Apparently, he's playing a father knows best type while running an "Urban adult entertainment" business....I don't know either, I assume that's like umm ghetto porn? Who knows, but I bet you still got that song stuck in your head.

  • My new favorite reality show is 'Wipeout" on ABC. I'm not sure why but I think it's the extremely humorous banter between the commentators more then anything else. It's definitely NOT the butt cam.

  • I'm a huge 'Grey's Anatomy' fan, HUGE. I even bought a real set of the 1st season DVD's. Since everyone knows I only rent and burn, that's a big friggin' deal. Anyhoo, Kathrine Heigl's Emmy controversy is extremely irritating. I agree that last season was a bit bland but I blame that on the writers strike and Issah Washington's uncalled for departure. For her to say she doesn't want to be in the running for an Emmy because she wasn't given quality material is a crock of crap. She doesn't need an Emmy because she sucks. Her character sucks and her funny tooth sucks. Don't get me wrong, I don't think she's a bad actor--I liked "Knocked Up". But I almost didn't see it because of the snotty aire about her. I think that she's getting a little too big for her britches and needs to honor her contract and be grateful she has a job. We've seen it before, people get a few hit movies under there belt and demand to be let out of their contract and BAM! they fall flat on their face and can't get a job shakin' their ass let alone a major movie role. Heigl needs to realize she isn't Will Smith.

  • I need a million dollars.

  • I really, really want a fish pedicure.

  • I swear my kids grow over night. One minute they look like babies the next like little people.

  • Why do we constantly compare ourselves to other people? Always thinking we don't measure up...

  • I'm really wondering how I teach my girls how to avoid the "magicians" in life. I know they will get their heart broken and it's necessary, but some of these men....they got the game on lock.

  • Why is it so hard to get men to do things? Then, when you stop asking they want to know why you didn't ask them if they wanted to go...

  • The Olympics start tonight! I got 17 days to finish the sweater and throw for the Ravelympics!

  • "Nothing stands out so conspicuously, or so remains so firmly fixed in the memory, as something which you have blundered"--CICERO

Monday, August 04, 2008

Don't Quote Me

I've gotten bored with blogging, if you haven't noticed...I don't know what it is but my groove is way off. It isn't that I haven't had anything to say, I just haven't felt like saying it. I know I've needed a blogcation but I also know I can't be gone too long. I've been told that I'm on the clock....

So, I'm following the lead of others and posting some random ish today...

  • I love the Summer Olympics. It always reminds me of being that little girl again, dreaming of being a gymnast, swimmer, track star...

  • I'm so glad I moved to Vegas, change is so good for the soul

  • Miley Cyrus has nothing on these girls

  • Why do some people waste so much oxygen

  • I love that Angelina and Brad can raise 14 million for charity from a set of baby pictures

  • This type of YA makes me feel old and out of touch.

  • I am longing for a day when I can sit down and watch the complete first season of Mad Men...

  • I'm going to take the plunge, I've decided to get my first Brazilian wax...but someone will have to hold my hand, probably my legs too!

  • I spent yesterday afternoon browsing the craft stores so I can become the next black Martha Stewart. I swear if I had the means I would make so much stuff.

  • I think I'm going to home school my kids. But I will work twice as hard to make them look like they're not...

  • I hate it when doctors office's send out letters saying "Your results are is imperative that you make an appointment at your earliest convenience." WTF just call me and tell me what's wrong with me.

  • Empty promises are just that.

  • You ever really want to know what someones voice sounds like?

Thursday, July 03, 2008

A Cooler Spot on the Pillow

I’m 28 years old. This means I was born in the 80’s, a time when women were trying to break through that glass ceiling. These women were forgoing kids and marriage for power suites and corner offices. They wanted to be seen as equals and taken seriously on Wall Street. I remember watching “Baby Boom” the movie with Diane Keaton she was a powerhouse, a force to be reckoned with. Remember she always wore the same really-bland-conservative-grey suite, so as not to accentuate the fact that she had breasts and hips? Working 60 even 80 hours a week just so she could be looked at, not as a women, but an invaluable executive.


That’s what it’s all about, isn’t it? That’s why they burned their bras in the 60’s and fought for the freedom of choice and birth control in the 70’s? It was told to us both subliminally and with stentorophonic urgency that we don’t need a man. We could depend on ourselves and do it just as good if not better then a man.

In Junior high school if any one asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up I said either a corporate attorney or a best-selling author. I never said I want to be a housewife or a stay-at-home Mommy. Who wants to do that? That’s not an admirable occupation; you can’t possibly use your brain staying home eating bon bons and clipping coupons all day. That kind of woman is only going to pull us 10 steps back, back to a time where women donned aprons and had dinner ready and a highball glass of Maker’s Mark waiting for her man.


Well sort of. I don’t wear an apron; I prefer to just wipe my hands on my low-rise jeans. I clip coupons but I have the majority of them emailed to me. I do not eat bon bons. I don’t think I’ve ever actually seen one to be perfectly honest. I do try to have dinner ready and waiting but I’m more likely to drink that highball of whisky (with sour mix) then have one waiting. Besides he likes Bacardi anyway. Still, the fact of the matter is, I love it. I love being at home with my kids. I love being able to run my household and know, emphatically, that no one else can do my job. I can’t be replaced, demoted or terminated.

I guess to the outside world it does look a little trivial when I rattle off my schedule for any given week.

Monday is dance and swimming lessons.
Tuesday we have a play date at the park.
Wednesday is movie day and library story time.
Thursday is another play date with my knitting group.
Friday is family day.
Saturday is craft day and another trip to the library.
Sunday is church and other activities with church friends such as feeding the homeless.

Of course I didn’t include grocery shopping, PTA meetings laundry, vacuuming, mopping, blogging, and all my other motherly duties. You can’t tell me all of that isn’t work that requires brain power. It takes savvy to even find activities for your kids that are fun, educational and affordable.

That’s not the point and this isn’t one of those manifestos declaring that homemakers do just as much and deserve the same respect and admiration as Sandra Day O’Conner. I don’t really care if some think my life is simple or easy. If they think I sit around all day watching soaps and painting my toes then so be it. I don’t have to justify my life choices to anyone.

As a matter of fact, my career path has surprised me just as much as it surprises anyone else my age who asks what I “do”. How an 80’s baby could become a retro mama is a mystery to me. Let’s not forget I’m a black woman, which means I’m really supposed to be out there showing them what I’m made of. Not home scrapbooking shots of the baby using her “big-girl” cup and knitting a cable throw to match my newly decorated master bedroom.

I know I’m not the only one my age who is in the same position. Wondering how we got here when most of our mothers weren’t homemakers. Just as sure as I am that there are women out there who would love to be in my shoes.

Next week: “The Rocky Road to being a Dependent Woman”

Picture credits to:

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The Life of a Writer

So I know some of you have noticed I've been MIA for the past week or more. I have been covering the CineVegas film festival here in Valley. It was my first year to attend and I wanted to soak up as much of the atmosphere as humanly possible. I'm posting some of the pictures today because people have asked me about them. I will talk more about the events and post more pictures in a later post.

The Premiere of "The Rocker" actor Rainn Wilson
on Thursday, June 12

Actor Bill Pullman and Robin Leech at the Premiere of "Your Name Here"

Friday, June 13

Me and Rosario Dawson right after the premiere of "Explicit Ills", photo taken by Shamar Moore.
Saturday, June 21

Me and Shamar Moore in the Palms Casino.
about 5 minutes later...

Me and Elvis Mitchell just before the premiere of "The Great Buck Howard" Saturday, June 21

A view of The Palazzo Resort from the party at the pool on the 3rd floor.

The entrance of the closing night party, model Ms. Kimberly in a 9 ft tall Champagne glass.

The contortionist in the bubble at the Palazzo Resort.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Silver or Gold, which is which?

There are two versions of a great song below, who do you think did it better?

I first heard this song years and years ago. I loved it, from the first cord. It to me, says how hard it is to let go of the one you loved the most, yet not be bitter.

I didn't personally care for India's version when I first heard it but it's growing on me. I think I still prefer Don's version, maybe because of his voice, which I love.

Or, it could just be that a man saying those words--just means something more.

You almost expect a woman to be able to come to these conclusions but to hear a man say:

I got the call today, I didn't wanna hear
But I knew that it would come
An old, true friend of ours was talkin' on the phone
She said you found someone
And I thought of all the bad luck, and the struggles we went through
And how I lost me and you lost you
What are those voices outside love's open door
Make us throw off our contentment and beg for something more?
I'm learning to live without you now
But I miss you sometimes
The more I know, the less I understand
All the things I thought I knew, I'm learning again
I've been tryin' to get down to the heart of the matter
But my will gets weak and my thoughts seem to scatter
But I think it's about forgiveness
Even if, even if you don't love me anymore
These times are so uncertain
There's a yearning undefined...people filled with rage
We all need a little tenderness
How can love survive in such a graceless age?
The trust and self-assurance that lead to happiness
They're the very things we kill, I guess
Pride and competition
Cannot fill these empty arms
And the work I put between us doesn't keep me warm
I'm learning to live without you now
But I miss you, baby
The more I know, the less I understand
All the things I thought I'd figured out
I have to learn again
I've been trying to get down to the heart of the matter
But everything changes and my friends seem to scatter
But I think it's about forgiveness
Even if, even if you don't love me anymore
There are people in your life who've come and gone
They let you down and hurt your pride
Better put it all behind you; life goes on
You keep carryin' that anger, it'll eat you up inside
I've been tryin' to get down to the heart of the matter
But my will gets weak and my thoughts seem to scatter
But I think it's about forgiveness
Even if, even if you don't love me anymore
I've been tryin' to get down to the heart of the matter
Because the flesh will get weak and the ashes will scatter
So I'm thinkin' about forgiveness
Even if, even if you don't love me

Don Henley - Heart of the Matter

The original....Circa 1980's I think :)

Sex And The City Soundtrack - The Heart Of The Matter

India Arie's Version.....2008

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

You are free, you just don't know it yet.

Anyone remember the saying:

'Poor planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part'?

My old hair dresser back in the day used to have that sign hanging in her basement shop. She was very strict on late appointments and frequent call offs.That was a long, long time ago but I sincerely believe that those words still ring true today. So where are you going with this, you may ask.

This year, marks my tenth year out of high school. It truly doesn't feel like it's been that long. Some days, I still feel very much like a child, albeit, a child with a hell of a lot of bills and 3 children herself. I watch Degrassi and Instant Star and can totally relate to some of the story lines. The point is I don't feel like ten years has gone by since I walked the halls to French class or to Ms. Battle's college writing classes. I'm kind of getting off subject a bit..Sorry.

So, I heard through the grapevine that a group of girls (that hung out together in high school) appointed themselves as head of the reunion committee. They didn't invite anyone with experience or the know how to join the aforementioned committee. Surprise, surprise.

Planing a party of this size takes months and months of organized planing. It takes experience and dedication but most of all it takes someone who can think outside of their own small world. The people who tried to put on my class reunion obviously had none of those things.

When you wait until November to send out an email blast stating that we need to send in a deposit for the reunion, even though you haven't given us any information on the when and the where, that constitutes a problem.

When you send out these emails with everyone of the addresses showing--instead of sending it bcc, that to me is problem. Everybody may not want everyone else to have their email information. It's just a professional courtesy.

I'm not sure if these girls are living in the same world that I am but gas is $4.17 here, and the price of plane tickets and car rentals are though the roof. In other words we a living in a recession, and people don't have hundreds of dollars to spend just to go to a high school reunion.

Communication is key, you can't accomplish anything when person 'A' thinks person 'B' is doing something and person 'C' thought they were supposed to do it, but in actuality 'D' did it because her heard from 'B' that 'C' didn't know how to do it. Confused? Yeah me too. That's all I saw in this short lived attempt to put together an over the top extravaganza.

By the time an itinerary did come out, they scheduled something for Friday night in one city, a cruise Saturday night in another and then close it up with another event on Sunday. All fine and dandy if you still live in the area, or have family in the area. I don't. so that means on top of buying plane tickets and event tickets I would have had to rent a car and get a hotel room. Plus, remember I have three kids...where are they going to go? A babysitter, or on the trip with us? I added up the total amount I would have had to spend and let's just say it was over a thousand dollars! I could go to Cancun or Disneyland and spend less then that.

There are plenty of alternatives I could have suggested. Like, have a BBQ at one of the hundreds of lakes in the area. Rent a VFW hall and have a cabaret type of event. Or, just have done one of the events originally planned. If the purpose of a reunion is to see everyone and catch up on old times, then all that extra wasn't necessary in the first place. I find it quite comical that one of the more affluent high schools near my Alma mater is doing a simple picnic, charging $10 or so per person. A school where I personally know that some of the graduates are doctors and lawyers and engineers.....Now, I'm not saying my class doesn't have any of those but...

To be honest, even if I still lived in the area I probably wouldn't go to the reunion. I've kept in touch with all my friends from high school. Everyone I care about--what their doing, how they are or what's going on their world...I can pick up the phone and just call. They know where I am, what I'm up to etc...because they are my friends. What's funny is none of them had planned to attend the reunion either.

So, the other day I hear through the grapevine that the reunion is cancelled. Due to lack class support....humm

Another quote comes to mind "Champagne plans on a Boone's Farm budget."

Thursday, June 05, 2008

And now it begins...I will suduce you, with ink

One Segment I thought I would try is "Who did it best?" I will post two songs weekly and you tell me which is your opinion.

I usually have a problem with remakes or covers but sometimes--sometimes, someone else comes along and does what the original artist just couldn't do.

The first post is below, The Queen Latifah-vs-The Rev. Al Green.

I will say this is one of my favorites of all time. Simply Beautiful.

Queen Latifah (Feat. Al Green) - Simply Beautiful

The Cover.....2005

Simply Beautiful - Al Green

The Original....circa 1972

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Ch ch changes..

Change #1 for NWMC will be my post titles. They have always been derived from song titles. Most people didn't even notice so I don't think it will be a big deal. I am deciding between using actual lyrics or quotes from books off my bookshelf. I think it may even be kind of fun if someone can guess where I got the title from.

Change#2 I will have a few regular posts every week. Not sure how many but just stay tuned

Change #3 Will be the color scheme. Feel free to comment on my choices....I will probably go through a few before I find the one.

I'm sure there will be more to come but that's it for now. Please leave an opinion anytime on any post.

Sunday, June 01, 2008

Don't Make Me Over

I've been thinking a lot about what I want to do with this blog. What I want the format to be. Technically, I've been blogging since 2006 but I didn't touch it for almost a year, so I don't much count that. I didn't start it to be seen by others. However, over the course of the past year more and more visitors have stopped by, some have even stuck around. So I figure maybe it's time for a spring cleaning or an Extreme Blogger Makeover-web edition.

Sometimes I'll look at other blogs and get blogger envy at how smooth and fresh their layout looks. I admire how some are so consistent with their posts. It's nice when I go to Don's blog on Saturday and I know he's doing old school music wars. It's something I said I wanted to do--have regularly scheduled subjects on the same days every week, but as we all know I am the procrastination queen.

I've been asked by various people what's my blog about? I usually don't have a concise answer. It's sort of a hodgepodge I guess.

I don't talk about politics much, even though I am a active voter and have been since I turned 18. I could tell you how I feel about the candidates and all their shenanigans or how I think if you don't vote then you suck, but, it's not where my heart is, at least not today.

I also don't blog about beauty products. I don't think anyone cares what kind of soap I use or moisturizer. Not because I'm not interested in looking hot, I have-somewhat against my will-stopped paying much attention to how I look. I still bathe and comb my hair mind you....but there isn't any effort behind it. So sad.

I also don't really talk about writing or the process of writing I should say. I love writing but don't feel as though I have any authoritative knowledge on the subject to strictly talk about it. Not yet anyway.

I've seen plenty of "Mom Blogs" where women do nothing but gush over how cute their kids are and talk about what hilarious antidote that occurred during dinner. My kids are damn cute and some pretty funny stuff comes pouring out of their sweet little mouths too, but, you'll just have to take my word for it.

I kind of like the fact that I'm not confined to a single subject and I think I will keep it that way. That way I have the freedom to one day tell you that my youngest daughter started walking this past week. Or, that I love Avon thermafirm moisturizing cream. Or even, that I think Obama rocks and I can't wait to vote for him in November.

So maybe I won't do a extreme makeover just a mini dinner and a movie type of restyle. I'll try a few things out and see what works.

Suggestions always welcomed.

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Michael Bublé - Home

I LOVE this song..

Home is where your love is....

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

He LOVES Me....

Here is another peek inside my scrapbook, letters my husband has written me over the years. I swear I fall more in love with him every single day.

My Love,

I was just thinking about you, thinking about how happy you make me.

Thinking about how it is we came to be and how lucky I am to be half of us, I must have done something right in my past life.

There will never be anything better than loving you and there is no high like being loved by you. People search their whole lives for love and happiness, the world is filled with flashlights and night vision goggles probing the darkness on a quest for the greener grass or the sunset ever after.

In front of your face, under your nose, the cliches never seem to be true, even when it's your nose and face.

I was just thinking about how much I love your nose and face.

I kept my flashlight on and somehow it found you and like a magic mirror, having you returned the light to make me feel like I'm glowing.

You will never ever be without me, I have lived in the darkness long enough and I can't live without your light in my life and in my heart.

There was no me without you and there will be no me without you....that's just what I was thinking.

I Love You. Happy Anniversary, both of them! -Your Husband

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Teena Marie - Once And Future Dream

Hands down, the best Rick/Teena duet they ever did.

You are, who I dreamed about in the past and the one I dream of being with in my future. Always and forever my one and only love.....

Sunday, May 25, 2008

The Roots - You Got Me

Another great love song...

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Friday, May 16, 2008

When You Believe

Attraction is a powerful thing.

That moment when you see someone for the first time and you know that your hand has to touch theirs, that your mouth has to know what his tastes like. It's a feeling so strong you think someone or something is physically pushing you toward that person. Then...the butterflies come, the shiver up your spine from their touch, the childlike giddiness you get every time someone says their name. Infatuation, lust, ecstasy-an emotional roller coaster of a drug like induced high. You'd do almost anything to hold on to these precious moments because everyone knows it won't be this way forever....

So when does an infatuated-attraction become LOVE?

Is there a such thing as LOVE at first sight?

When your heart is full and you step out on faith so to speak will LOVE be on your side?

Some couples take their time and get to know one another. They may first live together, then get engaged, then wait another year and a half to plan their wedding. Finally, they walk down the isle and jump the broom only to divorce a year later.

On the other hand, you have couples who meet, fall head over heels and get married a month later. They get divorced 15 months later.

Exceptions to the rule of course-both couples live happily ever after.

So what's the secret, why do some couples make it and others can't? All seem to start out with the same feelings of euphoria, yet, more then half don't make it.

Relationships are hard work. Marriage is twice as hard. You need to compromise on things you never thought you would have to compromise on. You have to honestly care about how someone else feels--about you cutting your hair, going on a trip or quitting your job. You are no longer an island but more like a peninsula. Attached to another human-feeding off their hopes, dreams, desires and needs while they feed off yours. You, have to be willing to do the work. Both must put 100% of themselves into the marriage and when one can only give 80% then the other has to put in that extra 20%. It takes strength, kindness, a whole lot of patients and of course LOVE.
But at the end of the's so worth it.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


My husband wrote this for me in 2006, yet,even now it still leaves me breathless everytime I read it.

He makes me feel like the luckiest woman in the world. How many husbands write poetry for their wives on a regular basis?

Not enough that's for sure.

By: Tre Jordan

The sun came up this morning and she told me she loved me.
The sun came up this morning and her light brightened my world as if I had been blind since birth and never knew what true beauty really was.
The sun came up this morning suddenly everything seemed clear, no storms, no clouds, just a clarity that spoke of a future of happiness I had never known.
The sun came up this morning and the air seemed cleaner, I felt lighter on my feet with a skip in my step and the grass that seemed greener before now paled in the gleam of her shine.
When the sun came up this morning, I couldn’t help but to wonder why it took so long for me to notice how badly I needed her in my life, as a guide to show me the way, as a teacher to correct my mistakes and as a rod to ground me.
The sun came up this morning and she smiled, she smiled at me, on me and through me making my blood pressure rise higher than my prescribed medication could control.
The sun came up this morning and her touch was warm and soft like a midday summer breeze and her smell was sweet like southern home-cooking.
The sun came up this morning and she kissed me, she tasted like honey, like joy and happiness, she tasted like freedom.
The sun came up this morning and her shine seemed more than my soul could bear, it seemed to go on forever like an Alaskan season, and it brought life to everything around me.
The sun came up this morning and it was you.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Seasons of LOVE

For me, May is the season of LOVE.

The weather is warm, more skin is showing, sunflowers and daisy's are in bloom and its also the month my honey and I said I do.

So to celebrate this season of love all my blog posts this month will be on the subject of LOVE, marriage, finding LOVE, falling in LOVE, staying in LOVE and making LOVE...

I'll do my best to try and not make you all sick with my emotional mush. Reader nausea is not my goal.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

A funny kind of LOVE

Photo credit-HBO

Two posts ago I briefly spoke on Polygamy. My goal was simply to give one view on the situation in Texas, hopefully, a non-judgemental one. I have not fully researched the Mormon religion so I will not pretend to be an expert on any of their beliefs. I do, on the other hand, think that HBO's Big Love is a great show. Not the same I know.

I also know, that I wouldn't be interested in having a polygamist relationship myself. Not to say I would mind someone else doing the housework, changing some poopy diapers and scrubbing the toilet. I guess that would be more along the lines of a maid though...

I am an only child and I don't share well with others so having a communal husband doesn't sound like all that much fun. However, I have to admit there have been a few moments when I would have liked to say "Can't you go to your other wife's house for awhile and leave me alone?" Still, I don't think it works like that either.

My point though was/is this, who am I to judge? Especially, when this is their religion and they have a bible to back up their beliefs; we all know the bible can and has been interpreted in many different ways. Baptist, Lutheran, 7th day Adventist all these religions have a somewhat different take on various scriptures. Who's right? Who's wrong? Not for me to say.

Polyomy is practiced all over the world and I don't see any U.S. forces storming the villages of Nigeria demanding that all the children must be taken away. The fact that a man wants to take responsibility for more then one wife and a bus load of kids can be looked at as somewhat commendable. Some men won't claim one.

The newspapers seemed to stress the fact that a large number of these young girls had already given birth and they weren't of age. So.
You can find plenty of young mothers all over Vegas, Detroit, Atlanta, Billings-pretty much anywhere in the United States. At least these girls were married and had the means and family support to care for these babies. I don't think they're out laboring in a bathroom stall or tossing them in dumpsters....

If any of the children were being abused, then yes, they should be removed from that abusive place, but if they are considering underage marriage or polygamy abuse then they need to return the children to their Mothers.

Friday, May 09, 2008

Whoop There It Is!

Okay, so I was tagged early last week and almost forgot about it. Obviously, I've been slackin' on my bloggin'. I don't know how I could forget, because I've been waiting on someone to tag me for the longest. I feel a little like the last kid to be picked at dodge ball....yeah, its that bad.

Anyhoo, I finally got picked! Go me! Thanks SA. For any of you who may be unfamiliar with this game here are the rules:

  • Post the rules on your blog

  • Write six random things about yourself in a blog post

  • Tag six people in your post

  • Let each person know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog

  • Let the tagger know your entry is up

So here goes nothing.

1. I hate birds. No particular kind, all birds in general freak me out. The way their heads move in that spastic sort of jumpy fashion. Besides they've always seemed really dirty to me and where are their ears? The city slickers- like pigeons or seagulls they don't even care if your coming toward them, they won't move-they're not scared of us. Didn't they used to be? They'll try and take the food right out your hands, yes, those bloody bastards will.

2. I'm a pack rat. Not to the extreme point of those people who make the news. You can freely walk through my home and not trip over things-normally. However, I have a hard time throwing things away. Pictures my kids have drawn, old birthday cards, newspapers I haven't read. See, I thought I only subscribed to the Fri, Sat, Sun paper but they started to deliver everyday for some reason. So, since I hate to waste a buck I feel obligated to read it. I may not get to it right away but eventually I will read it. Don't worry, I don't have more then two weeks worth of papers around the house. Gosh, it still sounds bad no matter how I explain it.

3. I'm glad I don't have any sons. I always thought I wanted a little boy and I've even watched half grown young men in the store with their Moms and thought awww, I want one. On the other hand, in actuality, I think little boys frighten me. They're so rough and hard to handle. Of course not all are but the kind I would want my girls to grow up and marry are.

4. I'm glad Taressa didn't tag me. Her tag rules make you list 16 random things! I could maybe do 10 or 12 but I'm not a friggin machine.

5. I think "lol" can be extremely annoying. I use it, but sparingly. Its like salt-if you simply sprinkle it you can avoid an overdose and giving someone the sour face or high blood pressure . There should be a max number of times someone is allowed to use lol in a single blog post, email or comment. The same goes for exclamation points. 2 is my vote.

6. I want braces. I wish I could have had them at the normal time, you know adolescences but some people had better things to spend their money on, I guess. So by my next birthday I will give myself the gift of straight-gap less teeth. I think I'll even get the little rubber bands too.

So there you have it- six random, unnecessary, quirky maybe even slightly disturbing things about me. I'm sure your life feels complete now. Kanette, Sara, Jen, Jules and Suiteb

TAG! You're IT!

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Thanks for My Child

Photos By Jenna Dosch/ViewMembers of the Vegas Mommies meet at area parks for outdoor activities with their children. Top, Skyylar Jordan, 4, gets a boost from her mother, Erika, while playing on the monkey bars at the Crossings Park, 1111 Crestdale Lane. Below, Sean Bauer, left, and Cristian Guzman play ball. Both were at the park with their mothers, Miranda Guzman, background at left, and Erin Bauer, background at right.

Last week my daughter and I were in the local paper (The Summerlin View). The photographer took some random shots of the Vegas Mommies group, we get together at various parks around town a few days a week. I wish she would have chosen a better picture but what cha' gonna do....

Monday, April 21, 2008


What if?

What if you were a little girl.

What if you were a little girl and someone took you from your Mother?

How would you feel if you were snatched by people you didn't know, who told you you weren't safe in your own home? The place where you have always felt safe.

Told that, your parents were abusing you-but you have no idea what abuse is. All you know is your Momma and Daddy love you. Jesus loves you. As well as the rest of your extended family.

What if you never watched television, never played a video game or even thought to ask for a cell phone for your birthday?

You never had new clothes, only hand-me-downs from other family members, you always helped your Mom with the chores and made sure your sisters and brothers were fed and washed for bed. No makeup or pedicures for you or your Mom.

Do those things, or lack of things make you abused?

You ask: Why do you think I'm abused... Why can't I stay with my parents...Why must I sleep in some strangers house...Why?

Because your parents believe in a religion, all-be-it a way of life that's different from the rest of us.


Sunday, April 13, 2008

Never too much......How will I know?

You haven't eaten in what seems like forever, you're starved-no you're ravenous. Everything around you looks and smells like heaven. Your nose is filled with the scents of your favorite foods, sweet potato's covered in sugary-sticky juices, the smoky- mesquite flavor of ribeye steaks float in from the open window. The tart and slightly charred taste of vegetables fresh off a charcoal grill begin to make your mouth water. Cakes and fruit pies still warm from the oven, waiting to be cut into. Everything you ever wanted is sitting there waiting for you to devour. Where do you begin? Do you start off slow with a little taste of this and a spoon full of that? Or, do you pile your plate high and heavy, letting you're inner fat girl show?
Someone next to you begins to pour you a tall glass of sweet tea-"just say when..."

There's your dilemma, how do you know when to say when? When is to much of a good thing just too much? Do you wait until the taste isn't as sweet and the smell isn't heavenly anymore? Until the smell is a little bit rank. Or do you take it slow and hope that there is still some left when you decide to go back.

When you've waited, for what seems like an entire lifetime to do something and the opportunity sits before you--so many opportunities-maybe too many-what do you do? All the old sayings swirl through your brain.

"Don't look a gift horse in the mouth"

"Get it while the getting is good"

"You snooze you lose"

"Slow and steady wins the race"

"The straw that broke the camels back"

"When opportunity knocks...."

You don't want to say no. You need this chance because something else my not pan out. You want this chance because it's all you've ever wanted. However, by saying yes, yes, yes to all these opportunities you may end up selling yourself short. Overextending yourself to the point that it turns more into a job then a first love. Then, in turn, your talent suffers. It's not as good as everyone once thought. I mean, it's not bad--it's just not great!

On the other hand, if you don't push yourself, how will you know what you can do? Maybe you are capable of much more then you know. "Don't sell yourself short" they say. Just think how proud you would be of yourself, if you did it all, and did it well. How proud everyone would be.....

But if you failed......?....what would they say.....? would you feel....?...could you get back up...?..or would you be too tired....?....cause you ate too much fucking food.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Working for the Weekend

Happy Friday!

You would think since I don't punch a clock or have regular nine to five, that Friday's wouldn't matter to me. Sometimes, they don't. Today for some reason it does. I can't put my finger on it but all I know is it's been a long week. I didn't do much blogging here this week but I plan to play catch up this weekend. I have had some great idea's for a few posts but since my wireless is having some sort of malfunc, I have to sit in one spot to work. That, I tell you, is a lot harder then it sounds for someone who is used to 'on location' writing. So for all my fellow bloggers or writers out there, my question to you is: Where do you blog/write?

On the potty, at the kitchen table, how about in bed or you a fancy blogger who uses their PDA to write your elegant prose?

You can even post anonymously, if you don't want your boss to know that you spend more time on blogger or wordpad then you do the company website.

Can't wait to read your answers!

BTW: Don't forget to stop by my blog and check out my interview with Frank Merino (see picture above), the headliner for Las Vegas' comedy show "La Cage".

There is a link in my sidebar under "Other spots you can find me".

Monday, April 07, 2008

I'm Coming Out....

So I have decided to put myself out there.

A really good friend of mine, who seems to have connections to anything and everything gave me a list of freelance job postings to look over. Now, this wasn't the first time she has given me an ad for a writing position. She is always urging me to just send something in...put myself out there....give it a try. I have been hesitant mainly because I don't have any writing credentials. Nothing on my resume says writer. Loan officer?Yes. Waitress? Yes. Flight attendant? Yes again, but writer? Nope. Other then this blog, everything I have ever written is hidden in a folder or a box somewhere. Well I finally took her advice. I sent in some of my writing samples and a blurb about how great I am. These particular jobs were all for freelance positions. Which is exactly what I have been looking for, given the fact that I am of course The domestic diva extraordinaire. Anyhoo, the great news is I got one!

It's a small website called . They were looking for someone to blog about the entertainment aspect of Las Vegas. You know-who's playing where, the best shows, the whats happening in sin city kind of thing. I posted my first blog last Thursday and had planned to make an announcement here last week, but you know those demons....... So I decided to wait and make sure they still wanted me after I wrote it. Apparently they do. So there you have it I'm finally getting paid to blog. Who would have thunk it? A special thank you to Kanette, for giving me that gentle push that I so desperately need.

My articles should appear every Monday and Thursday under the blog section. So even if your not planing a trip to Vegas anytime soon, stop by and take a look to see what's going on.
Hint-Hint-I get paid for page views.

The pay is very, very, very modest but it's something, and I for one ain't complaining. I mean, I do this blog for free right?

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

New Friend Request

I recently updated my page on I have had a somewhat....okay all the way blank page with them for quite awhile, only really so I could keep up with a friend who is in Africa for the next few years. Other then that I didn't think much about it. Someone asked me recently why I didn't have a Myspace page and I didn't really have an answer I just never really liked it, plus I thought I was to old.

MySpace seems to appeal mostly to high school kids and other people who want to publicize their beef with "All those bytches that be hatin' on me cause they man won't stop callin' my cell".
Ghetto fab......with a capital G.

Moreover, there is just so much going on everywhere on the page. The obnoxiously busy backgrounds, bright colors and all that glitter. Just the way the screen scrolls but the background doesn't move is kind of weird. I think what is most irritating is the music. You click on someones page and WHAM! your speakers are blaring some obnoxious song. I keep my computer on mute when I go to Myspace now. Then there is the matter of your "friends". It seems like people have hundreds upon hundreds of "friends". Who are all these people and do they really know each other or are they just trying to make themselves look good? It's a popularity contest...better yet it's like high school all over again. Well I only have 18 friends so that must make me a loser....whatever.

But on the other hand, I have met a number of authors through the site. People who are both interesting and educated. I have "found" some friends from high school and some other's that could have stayed lost. Myspace, I have been told, is a great way to network so that's really my main purpose of using it. Plus, you have to admit it's a helluva lot better then blackplant...what happened to that site? I'm still trying to figure out how to feed my blog over to my page. so if you have any idea how that works please let me know. And when you get time drop by and take a looksy at my page and add me as your friend too :0

Saturday, March 29, 2008

God Bless the American Housewife

My husband texts me a message the other day.

"I had no idea I married such a sexist".

This of course didn't just come out of the blue. It stemmed from a small meltdown that I had moments earlier.

Since we moved here I have had to hook up the digital cable, the Internet, the new printer, program the universal remote and a bunch other stuff that I can't remember right now.

Normally these are all tasks that my husband would have taken care of but because of his absence I had to. So I bitched about it. I just don't have the patience and the universal remote was the proverbial straw. I was about ready to make him get on a plane and come fix it himself. That doesn't make me sexiest does it? More like a realist. I've never really considered myself a feminist. I'm certainly no bra burner. Some of what I think is wrong with this country stems from that whole feminist movement. That's a whole other topic and I'll save that for another time.

It's not that I don't know how to do these things because I do and what I don't know I can look up on the Internet. Which is what I did for the stupid remote.
But I'z married now! I say, I'z married now.

Look, I know it's not PC to say this but I know my place. And it's not out in the garage or tinkering with surround sound. Those are things that we do because we don't have someone else to do them for us. The cable company charges extra to come out and hook everything up and I'm to frugal to pay someone for something I know how to do, although I may not like it. I try to set a good example for my 3 girls and I want them to be strong independent women, as I'm sure they will be. They will know, like their mother does, how to change a tire. How to check the oil in their car, how to hook up their printer and wireless Internet. Just as well as they will know how to cook meatloaf, turnip greens and cornbread. I believe in self sufficiency but I also hope that if and when they get married they find a husband that can take care of that "man" stuff for them. I know some won't agree, that's fine, but I know their are a whole lot of women who won't say it but they sure do believe it.

I mean, I agreed to have the babies right?

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Love of my Life...

When I began this blog I had no expectations whatsoever. I wasn't even going to tell anyone I had one. It actually just slipped out one day in the midst of talking to a friend. I guess I started it just to get myself back in the habit of writing. How I had put the love of my life on the back burner is a mystery to me. Of course I have kids, and work and life but when you love to do something as much as I love writing how do you just not do it?
The little bitty, green ones that have pointy horns on their heads. The kind that laugh in your face and cause your stomach to turn at the stench of their breath. The same ones that I tell child #2 they don't exist when she's in her room scared at night.
"But mommy their are monsters in my room, I can see them." she will cry.
"No honey, it's all in your head. Just close your eyes and dream of sweet things and all the wonderful things you want to do. Then the monsters won't be there."
I guess, maybe, I should take my own advice. We all have them in some form or another. That self deprecating voice that tells us we suck. It will never happen, your not a good_______(insert whatever you want here). It's all in our head. No one has ever told me I'm a sucky writer. To the contrary, I have been told by a few different people that they enjoy my writing. That's great right? Sure, but those little demons always seem to pop back up. Like those little heads that your supposed to hit with the big mallet in that game at Chuck-E-Cheese. They seem to counteract all those accolades by saying oh their just tying to be nice cause their your friend or their married to you. Which could be somewhat true. Then again, I've never been able to take a compliment, my self conscious/insecure self just can't do it. I'm sure it's the same for you, no one has told you you can't or you suck, it's you telling yourself that.
This blog has helped me overcome my fears a little just by posting my ramblings and such so that anybody can see it. That's a big step for me. I used to never want anyone to see anything I wrote and if I did then I would leave the room while they read it. Now I broadcast it in my email signature, "Come visit my blog.....", I put it on my Myspace page and I joined a blogger community -20something bloggers. All these strangers are looking at my writing and saying what? Who knows and who cares right? I mean of course I want people to like it -love it even, leave comments, add me to their blog roll but if they don't then oh well. This is more for me then anyone else. This is me kicking my demons in the face and saying -take that. Bitch-slapping them and telling them to leave me alone. I am superwoman and I can do anything.
So give your demons an open-hand-slap-in-the-mouth too, I know you'll feel better.
I do.