Monday, September 29, 2008

The Art of losing myself

I have talent. I can do things others can't. No I can't stand on my head or recite all the state capitals in alphabetical order--I can't do it in any order to be honest.

My talent is magnificent in itself and even though no one in their right mind would probably want it I would be happy to give it away.

Have you seen me?

Name-Erika Washington aka- Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!





Hair-Loreal #234 or 267

An extremely sexy writer with goals and ambitions to write novels and articles for major magazines and newspapers wearing really cute heels.

Last seen: Roaming Albertson's grocery store with food stuck to her dress, a migraine, a crying baby on one hip, a pouty 9 year old behind and a sassy 5 year old stuck on the other leg; unable to string a compound complex sentence together.


achoiceofweapons said...

But to be really impressive you should do all that standing on your head! LOL
Mami's rock!

Eb the Celeb said...

you better tell it... love yourself first girlie

MsFreshBananaPuddin said...

I liked this post.we have the same aspirations.good luck to you.make it happen!

Tia's Real Talk said...

Girl I'm still missing..shhhh dont tell anyone! I too need to run away..maybe I can join your escape. lol

RayRay said...

you seem to be going though the mommy blues. i read the last few posts and it seems that way.

Suite B said...

You aren't lost just in can come out whenever you are ready to reveal the real you.

I think if you shake your leg that 5 year old will fall off...LOL

Ms.Erika said...

@ jaycee-I was standing on my head, that's why my head hurts!

Thanks Eb and Ms.Puddin...

@Tia- lol!

@ray-ray, maybe a little but this to shall pass...

Thanks suite b, I think I will try that!

Anonymous said...

As the mother of grown children - one who you know I would love to give you right now...
I long for the days of them hanging on me and hearing - Mommy, Mommy,Mommy.

You are a very talented writer, I've seen your work. Keep at it. Enjoy the little things in life. Because they grow up.