A marriage consists of two people. That's it. Unless your a member of the LDS church....
In a wedding ceremony two people vow to stay as one or so they say.
Those two people make love, make babies, make bills, make hate and make sacrifices for each other.
No one else should be involved. Especially not a parent. Certainly not a parent who has admitted that they were a shitty parent. If you had 18 years and 9 months to get it together but failed so many times on so many different levels. What on God's green earth gives you the right to run your mouth on someone who has put their children first since day one? None, absolutely none.
When you're on the outside looking in you only see a blurred vision of what is actually there. Only when you've opened the door, stepped inside and observed the entire house can you make careful observations.
The door is locked and you have not been invited in.
***pulls the curtain closed***
It took me a minute to understand who exactly you are referring to, then I think it's the mother-in-law? LOL. I will only say not to allow anything to get inside your head, especially that which eats and does not make you ish.
You snapped on this post!
Sounds like you're going through a rough time right now. Don't let it get you down. Maybe something is wrong that she's being this involved? Maybe she sees you with your girls and regrets what she didn't have? I dunno, but you can't let this effect your marriage.
My mom puts her 2 cent in every now and then, but I don't respond to it unless I think she's right. And my mother-in-law is on another continent so luckily that hasn't been an issue.
@Don: I guess I did and I ain't done yet...
@SA: Thanks for the hugs.
@Kanette: Mine too, but she still still seems to have climbed into my marital bed...
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