Friday, February 06, 2009

Are you there God, it's me, Erika

I swear I'm not dead, even though I feel like it most days....

I've put aside once again one of the most important things to me, my writing.

I have ideas, thoughts, ramblings all sorts of things I could say but some how my motivation has left. I jot down notes and ideas all over the place but they never get any further then my handy dandy notebook. I hate that I'm one of those people who needs accolades and a support system to keep going but I do. My lack support from family makes it really hard to believe in myself.

I am way to old for that.

I suck.

So here it is a new year and not much to show for it. Well I have to get off my duff or actually get on my duff and write something, something brilliant. A friend reminded me that I have been writing this book forever in my head but haven't got much down on paper. I need to go back to basics and remember what it is I've always wanted.

I have a dream.


SA said...

Cosign on this entire post. I feel like it's something I could have written myself.

I think a lot of people are like that, needing the support to write. I mean, how crappy is it to love something and not have the people you love the most behind you 100% on it? You don't have to feel ashamed by that.

Anonymous said...

Erika, Erika, Erika my dearest Erika.... We are all on your team over here! We all love and support you and are patiently waiting for your first novel to be drafted. I admit I haven't been the most avidly outward supporter of your movie review and blogging, but I have always tried to read what I could whether I left a comment or not. Well times they are a changing and I will be "stepping up my game" to show you some commenting love on a regular basis. Hell, if it can snow in the desert, anything can happen right? To all you readers out there, Erika is the real deal and I know, trust me! Erika, you keep doing what you do baby, we are all here for you, no matter how much you procrastinate!