Just a bit of chitter-chatter to distract me from what I'm really supposed to be doing. In other words, another way for me to procrastinate.
I had the chance to vote early but a lot of you haven't so I expect you to be out there today. No matter how long the line is or how cold or windy it may be. Do not drop the ball this time, we can't afford to lose, again....
Have you seen me?
Name-Erika Washington aka- Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!
Hair-Loreal #234 or 267
An extremely sexy writer with goals and ambitions to write novels and articles for major magazines and newspapers wearing really cute heels.
Last seen: Roaming Albertson's grocery store with food stuck to her dress, a migraine, a crying baby on one hip, a pouty 9 year old behind and a sassy 5 year old stuck on the other leg; unable to string a compound complex sentence together.
The first 2 minutes of this clip is the hottest love scene ever. That kiss...oh..my..God....help me jesus. Damn.
I think it's the way he looks at her, he never takes his eyes off her lips tounge mouth. She can't even close her eyes because she is so in love with this man and the way he touchs her.
You don't see black love scenes like this often so when one is made it should be shown over and over. Feel free to keep playing it...I know I have.
If this isn't one of the sexiest love scenes ever, then I don't know what is...
I've gotten bored with blogging, if you haven't noticed...I don't know what it is but my groove is way off. It isn't that I haven't had anything to say, I just haven't felt like saying it. I know I've needed a blogcation but I also know I can't be gone too long. I've been told that I'm on the clock....
So, I'm following the lead of others and posting some random ish today...
Picture credits to: http://www.stitchthrutime.com/
Actor Bill Pullman and Robin Leech at the Premiere of "Your Name Here"
Me and Rosario Dawson right after the premiere of "Explicit Ills", photo taken by Shamar Moore.
Saturday, June 21
Me and Elvis Mitchell just before the premiere of "The Great Buck Howard" Saturday, June 21
A view of The Palazzo Resort from the party at the pool on the 3rd floor.
The entrance of the closing night party, model Ms. Kimberly in a 9 ft tall Champagne glass.
The contortionist in the bubble at the Palazzo Resort.
I've been thinking a lot about what I want to do with this blog. What I want the format to be. Technically, I've been blogging since 2006 but I didn't touch it for almost a year, so I don't much count that. I didn't start it to be seen by others. However, over the course of the past year more and more visitors have stopped by, some have even stuck around. So I figure maybe it's time for a spring cleaning or an Extreme Blogger Makeover-web edition.
Sometimes I'll look at other blogs and get blogger envy at how smooth and fresh their layout looks. I admire how some are so consistent with their posts. It's nice when I go to Don's blog on Saturday and I know he's doing old school music wars. It's something I said I wanted to do--have regularly scheduled subjects on the same days every week, but as we all know I am the procrastination queen.
I've been asked by various people what's my blog about? I usually don't have a concise answer. It's sort of a hodgepodge I guess.
I don't talk about politics much, even though I am a active voter and have been since I turned 18. I could tell you how I feel about the candidates and all their shenanigans or how I think if you don't vote then you suck, but, it's not where my heart is, at least not today.
I also don't blog about beauty products. I don't think anyone cares what kind of soap I use or moisturizer. Not because I'm not interested in looking hot, I have-somewhat against my will-stopped paying much attention to how I look. I still bathe and comb my hair mind you....but there isn't any effort behind it. So sad.
I also don't really talk about writing or the process of writing I should say. I love writing but don't feel as though I have any authoritative knowledge on the subject to strictly talk about it. Not yet anyway.
I've seen plenty of "Mom Blogs" where women do nothing but gush over how cute their kids are and talk about what hilarious antidote that occurred during dinner. My kids are damn cute and some pretty funny stuff comes pouring out of their sweet little mouths too, but, you'll just have to take my word for it.
I kind of like the fact that I'm not confined to a single subject and I think I will keep it that way. That way I have the freedom to one day tell you that my youngest daughter started walking this past week. Or, that I love Avon thermafirm moisturizing cream. Or even, that I think Obama rocks and I can't wait to vote for him in November.
So maybe I won't do a extreme makeover just a mini dinner and a movie type of restyle. I'll try a few things out and see what works.
Suggestions always welcomed.
Hands down, the best Rick/Teena duet they ever did.
You are, who I dreamed about in the past and the one I dream of being with in my future. Always and forever my one and only love.....
My husband wrote this for me in 2006, yet,even now it still leaves me breathless everytime I read it.
He makes me feel like the luckiest woman in the world. How many husbands write poetry for their wives on a regular basis?
Not enough that's for sure.
By: Tre Jordan
The sun came up this morning and she told me she loved me.
The sun came up this morning and her light brightened my world as if I had been blind since birth and never knew what true beauty really was.
The sun came up this morning suddenly everything seemed clear, no storms, no clouds, just a clarity that spoke of a future of happiness I had never known.
The sun came up this morning and the air seemed cleaner, I felt lighter on my feet with a skip in my step and the grass that seemed greener before now paled in the gleam of her shine.
When the sun came up this morning, I couldn’t help but to wonder why it took so long for me to notice how badly I needed her in my life, as a guide to show me the way, as a teacher to correct my mistakes and as a rod to ground me.
The sun came up this morning and she smiled, she smiled at me, on me and through me making my blood pressure rise higher than my prescribed medication could control.
The sun came up this morning and her touch was warm and soft like a midday summer breeze and her smell was sweet like southern home-cooking.
The sun came up this morning and she kissed me, she tasted like honey, like joy and happiness, she tasted like freedom.
The sun came up this morning and her shine seemed more than my soul could bear, it seemed to go on forever like an Alaskan season, and it brought life to everything around me.
The sun came up this morning and it was you.
So here goes nothing.
1. I hate birds. No particular kind, all birds in general freak me out. The way their heads move in that spastic sort of jumpy fashion. Besides they've always seemed really dirty to me and where are their ears? The city slickers- like pigeons or seagulls they don't even care if your coming toward them, they won't move-they're not scared of us. Didn't they used to be? They'll try and take the food right out your hands, yes, those bloody bastards will.
2. I'm a pack rat. Not to the extreme point of those people who make the news. You can freely walk through my home and not trip over things-normally. However, I have a hard time throwing things away. Pictures my kids have drawn, old birthday cards, newspapers I haven't read. See, I thought I only subscribed to the Fri, Sat, Sun paper but they started to deliver everyday for some reason. So, since I hate to waste a buck I feel obligated to read it. I may not get to it right away but eventually I will read it. Don't worry, I don't have more then two weeks worth of papers around the house. Gosh, it still sounds bad no matter how I explain it.
3. I'm glad I don't have any sons. I always thought I wanted a little boy and I've even watched half grown young men in the store with their Moms and thought awww, I want one. On the other hand, in actuality, I think little boys frighten me. They're so rough and hard to handle. Of course not all are but the kind I would want my girls to grow up and marry are.
4. I'm glad Taressa didn't tag me. Her tag rules make you list 16 random things! I could maybe do 10 or 12 but I'm not a friggin machine.
5. I think "lol" can be extremely annoying. I use it, but sparingly. Its like salt-if you simply sprinkle it you can avoid an overdose and giving someone the sour face or high blood pressure . There should be a max number of times someone is allowed to use lol in a single blog post, email or comment. The same goes for exclamation points. 2 is my vote.
6. I want braces. I wish I could have had them at the normal time, you know adolescences but some people had better things to spend their money on, I guess. So by my next birthday I will give myself the gift of straight-gap less teeth. I think I'll even get the little rubber bands too.
So there you have it- six random, unnecessary, quirky maybe even slightly disturbing things about me. I'm sure your life feels complete now. Kanette, Sara, Jen, Jules and Suiteb
TAG! You're IT!