Saturday, January 19, 2008

Dude, Where's my highspeed?

Wow, it's been a whirlwind of excitement for the past 10 days or so. I have so much to blog about I don't even know where to begin. Since the move I haven't had an Internet connection worth a plug nickel. Right now I'm using some wireless connection I picked up in the neighborhood. So until I get my own I have to sit still in the corner of my bedroom to pick up this signal. Believe me though, it's so worth it. I missed my cyberspace like a fat kid misses cake. What I think I will do is go back to my birthday and move forward from there. So I will backdate this blog so that things are in order. So you will have to look under this post to find a few new ones, that is until I catch up. So just remember patience is a virtue.


Don said...

And we all know just how much a fat kid loves cake. lol.

Anonymous said...

Welcome back....I missed you.

Anonymous said...

Cake sounds good....