Friday, May 09, 2008

Whoop There It Is!

Okay, so I was tagged early last week and almost forgot about it. Obviously, I've been slackin' on my bloggin'. I don't know how I could forget, because I've been waiting on someone to tag me for the longest. I feel a little like the last kid to be picked at dodge ball....yeah, its that bad.

Anyhoo, I finally got picked! Go me! Thanks SA. For any of you who may be unfamiliar with this game here are the rules:

  • Post the rules on your blog

  • Write six random things about yourself in a blog post

  • Tag six people in your post

  • Let each person know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog

  • Let the tagger know your entry is up

So here goes nothing.

1. I hate birds. No particular kind, all birds in general freak me out. The way their heads move in that spastic sort of jumpy fashion. Besides they've always seemed really dirty to me and where are their ears? The city slickers- like pigeons or seagulls they don't even care if your coming toward them, they won't move-they're not scared of us. Didn't they used to be? They'll try and take the food right out your hands, yes, those bloody bastards will.

2. I'm a pack rat. Not to the extreme point of those people who make the news. You can freely walk through my home and not trip over things-normally. However, I have a hard time throwing things away. Pictures my kids have drawn, old birthday cards, newspapers I haven't read. See, I thought I only subscribed to the Fri, Sat, Sun paper but they started to deliver everyday for some reason. So, since I hate to waste a buck I feel obligated to read it. I may not get to it right away but eventually I will read it. Don't worry, I don't have more then two weeks worth of papers around the house. Gosh, it still sounds bad no matter how I explain it.

3. I'm glad I don't have any sons. I always thought I wanted a little boy and I've even watched half grown young men in the store with their Moms and thought awww, I want one. On the other hand, in actuality, I think little boys frighten me. They're so rough and hard to handle. Of course not all are but the kind I would want my girls to grow up and marry are.

4. I'm glad Taressa didn't tag me. Her tag rules make you list 16 random things! I could maybe do 10 or 12 but I'm not a friggin machine.

5. I think "lol" can be extremely annoying. I use it, but sparingly. Its like salt-if you simply sprinkle it you can avoid an overdose and giving someone the sour face or high blood pressure . There should be a max number of times someone is allowed to use lol in a single blog post, email or comment. The same goes for exclamation points. 2 is my vote.

6. I want braces. I wish I could have had them at the normal time, you know adolescences but some people had better things to spend their money on, I guess. So by my next birthday I will give myself the gift of straight-gap less teeth. I think I'll even get the little rubber bands too.

So there you have it- six random, unnecessary, quirky maybe even slightly disturbing things about me. I'm sure your life feels complete now. Kanette, Sara, Jen, Jules and Suiteb

TAG! You're IT!


SA said...

I'm with ya on the birds thing. Yet I'm jealous they can fly. Go figure.

Chari said...

Hmmmn...I'm with u on the braces one...your teeth are gapped mine is reminiscent of bugs bunny

Don said...

Hppy Mothers Day, ms erika. Enjoy. Hope you have a blessed one.

I will have to come back later and read your blog post.

Virtuous said...

Gurl I wear LOL out!!! ;op Haha!

I had invislign braces but will probably get the traditional ones now b/c I wasn't happy with the results. I am obsessed with gapless straight teeth!!

Ms.Erika said...

Gapless-straight-ultra white teeth are my goal.

@SA yeah, birds suck
